Foreword to Book 2
Passions are what you love, at your deepest core level. It can take years or even a lifetime to truly know your passion, what you feel you are put here on Earth to do. Your Creative Self: Know Your Passions, Follow Your Joy is the second in a series of books called Never Grow Up: Set Life Goals and Follow Your Joy to a Full-Life Career. This vibrant new series of books is designed to help people in transition not only to find a new job, but also to find a creative and satisfying full-life career.
What you will learn in Your Creative Self:
Never Grow UpBook 1 in the series is Find a New Career. You will learn to look at your work life through different eyes. Taking a new perspective is the first step towards envisioning a new way of work—creating a full-life career. In Find a New Career, you will first assess your current work life, and then analyze your personal and work values. Begin the journey with concrete steps on how to find your best career match. Use this creative approach to discover your ideal career.
In Book 2, Your Creative Self: Know Your Passions, Follow Your Joy you will explore solid new ways to identify your passions, discover a new joy power, and boost your creative self. Begin to identify your ideal and learn how to change behaviors and create positive new habits. Use this creative approach to make your passion your life and follow your joy to your creative work connection.
Book 3, Setting Life Goals, outlines a creative approach for making change happen. Your life has more meaning when you are working towards goals that you have decided on. Setting life goals gives you control over the direction your life is taking.
The final part, Book 4, Get That Creative Job You’ve Always Wanted, has practical tools and tips. A full-life career is more than a job; it’s a creative life of satisfaction and rewards.
All four books are based on research, personal stories, and information of quality value. Each can be read independent of the others. Book 1, Find a New Career, is currently in release as a downloadable ebook and as a printable PDF. Book 2 Your Creative Self is partially available as a Work in Progress web-book. Books 3 and 4 are scheduled to be released in coming months.
Why read Never Grow Up? Learn steps and tips to:
What if we are born filled with happiness? And then we waste the rest of our lives following small rules that prevent happiness. Could the answer be to simply return to our natural joy?
Foreword to Your Creative Self